Compare regions between datasets on the synaptic level


Stephan Gerhard


October 12, 2023


How to compute region-based summaries of synaptic data for identified neurons in two datasets and compare between the two


We will be using two fruitfly ventral nerve cord datasets for the following analysis, namely FANC (fruitfly_fanc_public) and MANC (fruitfly_manc).

Data Model

In both the MANC and FANC dataset, we are provided with a synapse_region.parquet file that links each predicted synaptic location to a region. The region labels is available in the region columns


First, we load DuckDB, create a connection and set the two baseurls

import json
import duckdb
con = duckdb.connect()

baseurl_fanc = ''
baseurl_manc = ''

We pick two homologous descending neurons on the left and right side that are matched between the datasets. We produce a string variable where we concatenated the segment IDs for the subsequent queries.

segments_fanc = [648518346492614075, 648518346478550356]
segments_manc = [10118, 10126]

segids_fanc = ','.join(map(str, segments_fanc))
segids_manc = ','.join(map(str, segments_manc))

Let’s get the basic information for those neurons.

df = con.query(f"""SELECT * 
               FROM '{baseurl_fanc}/neurons.parquet' 
               WHERE segment_id in ({segids_fanc})""").df()

print(json.dumps(df.to_dict(orient='records'), indent=2))
    "cell_id": 11162,
    "x": 45064,
    "y": 75200,
    "z": 1294,
    "cell_id_type": "neck connective",
    "sv_id": 73608180982162608,
    "segment_id": 648518346492614075,
    "label": "anterior-posterior projection pattern; central neuron; descending; neck connective (right); primary class"
    "cell_id": 10178,
    "x": 34253,
    "y": 75200,
    "z": 1456,
    "cell_id_type": "neck connective",
    "sv_id": 73185968584372736,
    "segment_id": 648518346478550356,
    "label": "Lesser Azevedo et al. 2023; anterior-posterior projection pattern; central neuron; descending; neck connective (left); primary class; publication; uk"
df = con.query(f"""SELECT * 
               FROM '{baseurl_manc}/neurons.parquet' 
               WHERE segment_id in ({segids_manc})""").df()

print(json.dumps(df.to_dict(orient='records'), indent=2))
    "segment_id": 10118,
    "label": "TBD",
    "celltype": "DNa02",
    "nr_downstream_partner": 20392,
    "nr_post": 886,
    "nr_pre": 2566,
    "nr_upstream_partner": 886,
    "birthtime": null,
    "class": "descending neuron",
    "entryNerve": "CvC",
    "exitNerve": "None",
    "group": 10118.0,
    "hemilineage": "None",
    "longTract": "ITD",
    "modality": null,
    "origin": "brain",
    "positionType": "user",
    "predictedNt": "acetylcholine",
    "rootSide": "RHS",
    "serial": NaN,
    "serialMotif": null,
    "size": 6179155956,
    "somaNeuromere": null,
    "somaSide": null,
    "subclass": "xl",
    "subcluster": NaN,
    "synonyms": null,
    "systematicType": "DNxl002",
    "tag": null,
    "target": "LegNp_R",
    "transmission": null
    "segment_id": 10126,
    "label": "TBD",
    "celltype": "DNa02",
    "nr_downstream_partner": 20026,
    "nr_post": 880,
    "nr_pre": 2509,
    "nr_upstream_partner": 880,
    "birthtime": null,
    "class": "descending neuron",
    "entryNerve": "CvC",
    "exitNerve": "None",
    "group": 10118.0,
    "hemilineage": "None",
    "longTract": "ITD",
    "modality": null,
    "origin": "brain",
    "positionType": "user",
    "predictedNt": "acetylcholine",
    "rootSide": "LHS",
    "serial": NaN,
    "serialMotif": null,
    "size": 6459395030,
    "somaNeuromere": null,
    "somaSide": null,
    "subclass": "xl",
    "subcluster": NaN,
    "synonyms": null,
    "systematicType": "DNxl002",
    "tag": null,
    "target": "LegNp_L",
    "transmission": null

Before we go into retrieving more details about the neurons, let’s get an overview of the available regions and their synaptic link count in both datasets.


con.execute(f"""select region, count() as count 
    from '{baseurl_fanc}/synapse_link.parquet' 
    group by region order by region;""").df()
region count
0 25874
1 AMNp_L 6991
2 AMNp_R 1504
3 ANm_L 3390
4 ANm_R 3072
5 CFF_L 599
6 CFF_R 37
7 DLT_L 3181
8 DLT_R 1012
9 DLV_L 287
10 DLV_R 92
11 DMT_L 4695
12 DMT_R 5210
13 HTct_L 73846
14 HTct_R 28179
15 ITD_HC_L 345
16 ITD_HC_R 45
17 ITD_HT_L 2653
18 ITD_HT_R 196
19 ITD_L 3601
20 ITD_R 340
21 IntTct_L 46649
22 IntTct_R 20328
23 LTct_L 9885
24 LTct_R 8490
25 MDT_L 4276
26 MDT_R 2969
27 MesoNm_L 7065
28 MesoNm_R 1405
29 MetaNm_L 5071
30 MetaNm_R 3316
31 NTct_L 12177
32 NTct_R 3352
33 ProNm_L 15214
34 ProNm_R 5211
35 VLT_L 1451
36 VLT_R 460
37 VTV_L 109
38 VTV_R 112
39 WTct_L 203787
40 WTct_R 94022
41 mVAC_L 15
42 mVAC_R 8

And in MANC

con.execute(f"""select region, count() as count 
    from '{baseurl_manc}/synapse_link.parquet' 
    group by region order by region;""").df()
region count
0 <unspecified> 28602
1 ADMN(L) 1460
2 ADMN(R) 1569
3 ANm 3745214
4 AbN1(L) 2
5 AbN1(R) 4
6 AbN2(L) 39
7 AbN2(R) 30
8 AbN3(L) 51
9 AbN3(R) 75
10 AbN4(L) 278
11 AbN4(R) 117
12 AbNT 144
13 CV 8772
14 CvN(L) 28
15 DMetaN(L) 539
16 DMetaN(R) 364
17 DProN(L) 19
18 DProN(R) 442
19 HTct(UTct-T3)(L) 818354
20 HTct(UTct-T3)(R) 832300
21 IntTct 1266501
22 LTct 1214795
23 LegNp(T1)(L) 3169291
24 LegNp(T1)(R) 3347120
25 LegNp(T2)(L) 3148099
26 LegNp(T2)(R) 3635004
27 LegNp(T3)(L) 3252860
28 LegNp(T3)(R) 3780774
29 MesoAN(L) 8
30 MesoAN(R) 31
31 MesoLN(L) 184
32 MesoLN(R) 394
33 MetaLN(L) 236
34 MetaLN(R) 198
35 NTct(UTct-T1)(L) 272896
36 NTct(UTct-T1)(R) 288028
37 Ov(L) 841866
38 Ov(R) 865094
39 PDMN(L) 942
40 PDMN(R) 959
41 PrN(L) 4
42 PrN(R) 218
43 ProAN(L) 7
44 ProAN(R) 71
45 ProCN(L) 2
46 ProCN(R) 158
47 ProLN(L) 334
48 ProLN(R) 828
49 VProN(L) 88
50 VProN(R) 38
51 WTct(UTct-T2)(L) 970855
52 WTct(UTct-T2)(R) 920499
53 mVAC(T1)(L) 99067
54 mVAC(T1)(R) 127890
55 mVAC(T2)(L) 72420
56 mVAC(T2)(R) 95405
57 mVAC(T3)(L) 127490
58 mVAC(T3)(R) 138634

We see that the nomenclature for the brain regions are different in both datasets. In this table you can find the region, tract, nerve and connective correspondences contributed by Kathi Eichler.

We can now query the synapse_link.parquet table which constains a region column for each dataset to retrieve their information. We’re interested here in the regions where the presynaptic sites are located, i.e. the output region of the neuron.

df = con.query(f"""SELECT pre_segment_id, post_segment_id, region 
               FROM '{baseurl_fanc}/synapse_link.parquet' 
               WHERE pre_segment_id in ({segids_fanc})""").df()
pre_segment_id post_segment_id region
0 648518346492614075 648518346481564097 ProNm_R
1 648518346478550356 648518346480882144 NTct_L
2 648518346478550356 648518346480882144 NTct_L
3 648518346478550356 648518346478550356 ProNm_L
4 648518346478550356 648518346487504531 ProNm_L
... ... ... ...
1178 648518346478550356 648518346480882144 WTct_L
1179 648518346478550356 648518346471876251 WTct_L
1180 648518346478550356 648518346471876251 WTct_L
1181 648518346492614075 648518346494780554 NTct_R
1182 648518346492614075 648518346494780554

1183 rows × 3 columns

And for MANC

df = con.query(f"""SELECT pre_segment_id, post_segment_id, region
               FROM '{baseurl_manc}/synapse_link.parquet' 
               WHERE pre_segment_id in ({segids_manc})""").df()
pre_segment_id post_segment_id region
0 10118 26238 LegNp(T3)(R)
1 10118 21649 LegNp(T3)(R)
2 10118 18842 LegNp(T3)(R)
3 10118 10968 LegNp(T3)(R)
4 10118 26238 LegNp(T3)(R)
... ... ... ...
13763 10118 159083 CV
13764 10126 10829 CV
13765 10126 29930 CV
13766 10118 20352 CV
13767 10126 10829 CV

13768 rows × 3 columns

Next, we like to get the total count of presynaptic location for each segment and region. We can easily do that byy using the group by in the SQL statement:

con.query(f"""SELECT pre_segment_id, region, count(*) as count
               FROM '{baseurl_fanc}/synapse_link.parquet' 
               WHERE pre_segment_id in ({segids_fanc}) \
               GROUP BY region, pre_segment_id 
               ORDER BY pre_segment_id asc, count desc""").df()
pre_segment_id region count
0 648518346478550356 HTct_L 221
1 648518346478550356 ProNm_L 111
2 648518346478550356 NTct_L 63
3 648518346478550356 WTct_L 59
4 648518346478550356 IntTct_L 42
5 648518346478550356 MesoNm_L 39
6 648518346478550356 ITD_L 16
7 648518346478550356 ITD_HT_L 13
8 648518346478550356 ITD_HC_L 7
9 648518346478550356 MetaNm_L 7
10 648518346478550356 5
11 648518346478550356 MDT_L 2
12 648518346478550356 VLT_L 1
13 648518346478550356 ANm_L 1
14 648518346492614075 HTct_R 303
15 648518346492614075 NTct_R 87
16 648518346492614075 IntTct_R 48
17 648518346492614075 ProNm_R 48
18 648518346492614075 WTct_R 26
19 648518346492614075 ITD_R 22
20 648518346492614075 MDT_R 16
21 648518346492614075 MesoNm_R 13
22 648518346492614075 MetaNm_R 12
23 648518346492614075 ITD_HC_R 9
24 648518346492614075 DMT_R 5
25 648518346492614075 4
26 648518346492614075 ANm_R 1
27 648518346492614075 ITD_HT_R 1
28 648518346492614075 VLT_R 1

And for MANC

con.query(f"""SELECT pre_segment_id, region, count(*) as count
               FROM '{baseurl_manc}/synapse_link.parquet' 
               WHERE pre_segment_id in ({segids_manc}) 
               GROUP BY region, pre_segment_id 
               ORDER BY pre_segment_id asc, count desc""").df()
pre_segment_id region count
0 10118 LegNp(T1)(R) 2455
1 10118 LegNp(T3)(R) 1470
2 10118 LegNp(T2)(R) 1439
3 10118 HTct(UTct-T3)(R) 679
4 10118 IntTct 449
5 10118 NTct(UTct-T1)(R) 448
6 10118 ANm 102
7 10118 WTct(UTct-T2)(R) 70
8 10118 CV 6
9 10118 <unspecified> 1
10 10126 LegNp(T1)(L) 2424
11 10126 LegNp(T3)(L) 1483
12 10126 LegNp(T2)(L) 1282
13 10126 HTct(UTct-T3)(L) 684
14 10126 IntTct 318
15 10126 NTct(UTct-T1)(L) 304
16 10126 ANm 146
17 10126 WTct(UTct-T2)(L) 4
18 10126 CV 3
19 10126 <unspecified> 1